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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 Health economics and hospital management. 0300-5321 Excerpta Medica, c1973-1987. R-05/QK1
2 Health physics : official journal of the Health Physics Society. 0017-9078 Pergamon Press, c1958- R/QK16
3 Heart & lung. 0147-9563 C.V. Mosby Co., 1972- R54/QK3
4 Hepatology : official journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 0270-9139 Williams & Wilkins, c1981- R575/QK3
5 Hereditas. 0018-0661 published by the Mendelian Society of Lund for the Scandinavian Association of Geneticists, 1920- Q3/QK7
6 Histochemistry. 0301-5564 Springer-Verlag, Q7/QK1
7 Hormone research. 0301-0163 S. Karger, 1973- R335/QK1
8 Human pathology. 0046-8177 W. B. Saunders Co., 1970- R36/QK9
9 heart disease and stroke 1058-2819 The American Heart Association 1992 R54/QK1