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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 Gastroenterology, Saunders, 1943-46. R57/QK3
2 Gastroenterology. 0016-5085 W.B. Saunders. R57/QK1
3 Gene. 0378-1119 Elsevier/North-Holland, 1976- Q3/QK8
4 General & comparative endocrinology. 0016-6480 Academic Press. R58/QK5
5 General relativity and gravitation. 广义相对论与引力 0001-7701 Plenum Press, 1970- O412/GYX
6 Genetical research. 0016-6723 Cambridge University Press, 1960-2007. Q3/QK9
7 Genetics / 0201039532 Addison-Wesley, c1984. Q3/E22
8 Genetics. 0016-6731 Genetics Society of America [etc.] 1916-2009 Q3/QK2
9 Gut : An international journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 0017-5749 British Medical Association, 1960- R57/QK5